It has now been over a year since the implementation of the 2020 lockdown. This surreal marker has provoked a lot of reflection into how far we have come as individuals as well as into which organisations are leading despite the adverse circumstances, both commercially and internally.
We took the time to reflect on one of our diversity and inclusion leaders of 2020, Angela Shepherd, CEO of Mercedes-Benz Retail Group. Ennis & Co had the opportunity to speak with Angela last year to discuss the changes made within Mercedes-Benz Retail Group following a restructure of their latest D&I strategy, developed and implemented successfully during the first lockdown.
Ultimately, Mercedes-Benz Retail Group is driven by one simple goal: to be the very best at all things Mercedes-Benz. Included within this goal is of course Mercedes-Benz Retail Group’s most important asset of all – their people.
To improve their people experience, Angela explained to us how she utilised the lockdown pause effectively to prioritise and implement a diversity and inclusion strategy. During this period of retail shutdown, the organisation was able to shift their focus to their people, developing methods and actions to improve the work life experience.
Overall, the key theme throughout Mercedes-Benz Retail Group’s strategy is communication. By implementing strategic initiatives throughout the organisation and shouting them out in a new company newsletter, Angela has ensured everybody within the group feels appreciated and included, with a helpline available if needed.
Angela said, “Channelling change through honest and transparent communication has allowed us to become diverse and inclusive as a natural consequence. Of course, there is no magic solution to the different issues that come up and each resolution will not work for every colleague, but you can always develop trust, which ultimately puts you in a much better position.”
The strategy implemented by Angela introduced a number of key activities within Mercedes-Benz Retail Group which shifted the company culture to a more inclusive approach. Included within this was a new employee newsletter, which shares information on staff members and their individual stories.
Angela said, “our organisation is diverse in many ways; for example, we have different age groups, ethnicities, genders, cultures, religions, and job roles – making the need to appeal to everyone quite a challenge! Through this newsletter we are giving everyone a voice and being really democratic to make things interesting.”
Another key initiative in Mercedes-Benz Retail Group’s success was the introduction of Mental Health First Aiders, a development which has become a staple within many automotive organisations which have an inclusive approach. These First Aiders are volunteers who act as a support and helpline to people who are struggling mentally, in either their work life or for personal reasons.
Angela also introduced a cross-functional task group to develop and roll out solutions to current issues throughout the organisation. This group proactively tackles any challenges to the company culture and restores an inclusive environment.
Ennis & Co celebrates leaders such as Angela, who have dedicated time to improving their people strategy to form a more inclusive environment to work in. As Angela said herself, the key is to initiate an open and honest conversation around these sensitive issues, and a diverse and inclusive workforce will surely follow as a natural result.
To find out more about the top D&I leaders within automotive, read our full publication 2020: The year that changed everything: Our diversity and inclusion leaders within automotive and mobility here.