Skills Evolution Roadmap 2025

The Cost Of Your Skills Gap



In 2022, Ennis & Co highlighted the functional areas where skills shortages were most acute after interviewing 44 global senior leaders operating across the vehicle lifecycle as part of our research project, Skills Evolution Roadmap 2025.

A key insight was that the risk the skills shortage posed to the delivery of business objectives was now so critical that it should be given appropriate strategic priority at the boardroom level rather than being considered just an ‘HR problem’. Mitigating action needs to be proactive, not reactive.

There can be no better way to demonstrate why the skills crisis requires the attention it deserves at the top table than to put a number on the potential commercial impact of the shortages.

Without data, organisational skills gaps are not quantified and the commercial impact goes unreported. The Board is consequently unaware of the scale of the risk, leading to spiralling skills gaps across the organisation.

In this paper, we fill this data vacuum with a financial model that quantifies the cost of the skills gaps identified in an organisation, enabling action and accountability.

Combining Ennis & Co’s experience and understanding of the automotive and mobility talent market with industry knowledge and expertise in financial modeling and analysis, we assess the financial upside of investing in upskilling and recruitment, and the economic downside of doing nothing.

The risk of not having a fully productive workforce prevents any successful business from returning a satisfactory bottom line to its shareholders

Andy Turbefield
Head of Quality, Halfords Autocentres

Skills are the new currency in the world of work. We want to move away from a focus on jobs to a focus on skills.

Tina Lovelock
Global People Director, Brompton

Skills Gap Cost Calculator

The Skills Gap Cost Model provides business leaders with a range of potential outcomes for their organisation, expressed as a percentage of turnover, which could be positive or negative, depending on the level of investment committed to manage the skills gap.

The upside scenario projects an increase in turnover and is predicated on investment being made to upskill the workforce, which delivers a corresponding growth in revenue.

The downside scenario reveals a reduction in turnover if no investment is made in skills development which will lead to people leaving the organisation, with a consequent loss in turnover in the period between them leaving and being replaced.

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