Now, we have all made our appreciation known for our incredible key workers, carers, NHS professionals and front-line workers who are doing everything in their power to help get us through this pandemic. Yet I think it’s time we also shine a light on our unsung heroes… the amazing HR individuals we have in our midst.
Within Ennis & Co, I’m incredibly privileged to work with many truly exceptional HR professionals. And they’ve certainly stepped up to the plate amidst very unprecedented times. For many, of course, there have been issues arising left, right and centre that organisations have never, or very rarely, encountered before – including the furlough process, stringent government guidelines surrounding new safety measures at work – and mental health awareness that’s needed now more than ever before. If anything, this whole pandemic has only highlighted just how vital the HR function within an organisation truly is. It’s the glue that holds people together. And it’s far more of an operational aspect of a business now… so organisations looking to remodel their companies in light of the extensive changes should really consider HR as a vital component. As a business is truly nothing without its’ people.
Now as with all heroes – they don’t always get it right on the first try. And that’s OK, because we’re all learning. What really is the key point to take away here is that our HR professionals’ contributions are truly invaluable. They’ve almost had to act as CEOs in terms of how they’re handling situations and I really take my hat off to them. We need to give them the recognition they deserve so to our HR heroes – thank you from the bottom of our hearts.