Now we’ve gone through the initial shock of COVID-19 and its all-encompassing experiences, I can’t help but feel we’ll come out of the other side invigorated.
Our Prime Minister has made references to the challenges we’ve made being the first of their kind since World War Two. What was the reaction of the country post-war? We rebuilt the damaged infrastructure. We understood more about the psychology behind people’s ways of thinking, identifying post-traumatic stress disorder and allowing for advanced mental health awareness. We saw a resurgence of a nation that had literally been battered and bruised… emerging from the metaphorical trenches and building a better future.
For me, I think this will be a similar situation post-lockdown. The infrastructure that was in the process of being generated will be accelerated to support adaptability. Some of which having possibly been in the pipeline for years. Take, for example, a huge project I had assisted in the delivery of within a previous global role called “contemporary working.” I have recently been looking back on this project nostalgically and I truly cannot believe how relevant it is to this day (bearing in mind this was completed almost 20 years ago!) It’s almost as if the project was inadvertently created for the future.
In a nutshell, the project explores subjects such as flexible working, new ways of thinking about work, using thought leadership and insights to create a better way of working for individuals on a scale that really recognises the individuality and uniqueness of co-workers; and how not “one size fits all.” If there was ever a time that will see diversity and inclusion stretched beyond the “normal” topics, it’s definitely today… and I actually think this could be a light-bulb moment for us all.
From this I can see that the aftermath of COVID-19 could bring with it a real focus on what has been done, in terms of working in the past; and how this will change in the future. I can see this forming a kind of “hybrid” by blending the future with what we have already done in the past. It’s not going to be about reinventing the wheel, here. It needs to contain focus on the way forward by finding the good in what we have been doing during a turbulent time. In order to move forward, we cannot truly do this without looking back- even if that is just reflecting on the past few months, which may have actually seemed more like a lifetime for some people.
On reflection, we have truly seen the positive impact of remote working amidst a crisis and the boost in colleagues supporting each other; arranging Zoom calls, games, quizzes and creative conversations even outside of work to keep “together”, even if not physically there in person. Ensuring the well-being of co-workers has increased. People are keeping each other motivated and realising it really is about working as a team. Different skill sets will enhance different areas of the business; the perhaps uncertain introverts may become the most approachable individuals in the group after this. Times are changing and, for me, I think communication has never seemed more buoyant.
That’s the smart, dynamic and creative elements of a brain dealing with an (I’m going to use the buzzword, I’m afraid) “unprecedented” situation. The saying goes; “when life gets hard, remember diamonds are made under pressure.” Quite a cliché quote there but I think it resonates with me that certain gems are going to arise out of this whole situation.
Now, anyone that knows me will be aware I’m not a preacher; I’m very much a ‘doer’, which makes situations such a now difficult for someone that has to burn off this extra energy. I always find it helpful to look at things in different ways and collate as much information as possible from the experts we have the privilege of working with, as this is the “real-time” insight that is truly needed in an ever-changing landscape.
For me, it seems there is a deluge of information coming at us from all angles- so what I have done is pulled as much information, including my own thoughts, as possible into one publication. And this has resulted in our very first “Ways of Working” document, which we are set to share very soon. if you would like a copy, we would be delighted to share this with you. Please get in touch by emailing: