Ennis & Co Associate and qualified Personal Trainer, Becky Scott has vast experience in developing fitness regimes for senior executives with limited time on their hands. While we all know the importance of health and wellbeing, it is not always simple to put it into a realistic regime on an aggressive work schedule.
We therefore had an open conversation with Becky to discuss the link between mental health and physical wellbeing, and how her all-new fitness and nutrition plan makes keeping fit easier than ever before.
Becky’s workouts are personalised to fit into an individual’s schedule, with additional nutrition planning included to account for both aspects of physical wellbeing.
Becky said, “Post lockdown, as kids go back to school, people are starting to get back into their usual routines. To support in the drive to keep fit while juggling these new schedules, I’m launching a 12-week kick start plan, working with people to be realistic with their time. This specific project will be launched from mid-April, though I am working with clients continuously for regular sessions.
“The idea behind this course stems from people returning to the office in different ways. I personally am not sure whether we will ever get back to our old set up and that makes the old gym routines tricky to get back to also. However, it is clear that people like the structure to follow in those classes and that while they have all the good intentions of going to the gym, they are not always sure what to do when they get there.
“My membership is aimed at guiding people through having an active and healthy life, fitting it around their work life and modern lifestyle while setting realistic goals. I have put in place set workouts for everyone, but within these are variations for different abilities.
“Additionally, at the start of the process is a meeting with the client on Zoom, to have an open conversation about what they want to achieve and what their current situation is, along with continual guidance, accountability and motivation throughout the programme. By making it truly personal we can work out a way to make their goals happen. Included within this is a discussion surrounding the nutritional bits and suggestions. The ultimate aim should be to create and maintain a healthier, more active lifestyle – not a crash course.
“There is absolutely no point in doing something for two months or less. You need to learn what works best for you as an individual in terms of both nutrition and exercise in order to develop a new lifestyle. This will last so much longer and be much healthier for your body, we don’t want to put the body in shock.
“There are also clear benefits of physical wellbeing on mental health – it clears the mind, especially for busy people. The one to one with clients is incredibly important, as CEOs and senior executives are everywhere all the time. The hour session allows them to to clear their minds and think about something else. Everyone needs that time to prevent burn out, to switch off and change your mindset.
“These plans are created for everyone, whether they’re mums, businesspeople, or students. All that is needed are dumbbells and a mat, or a sofa or cushion – just everyday things. Wellbeing is accessible for anybody, anywhere and at anytime, it really is. I simply want to help people feel great and to help people achieve their goals”.
Becky’s top tip:
Movement: “I always receive comments of pain from people who sit still all day, whether that is in the office, working from home, or long commutes in the car. The important thing is to get the body moving. I have a specially designed movement routines that go out to clients, which are just a 5-8 minute routine to activate the hips and open the chest, covering all the areas which typically get tight from lack of movement.”
Becky is always available to call, email or sharing invaluable advice via social media posts on exercise, planning, mobility videos and healthy recipes, as well as informative Q&As.
Search for RS Performance Training on Facebook and Instagram or Becky Scott on LinkedIn.
For further information on Becky, or to get in touch, please click here.
For more information on Becky’s fitness packages, please click here.