Having been an associate with us at Ennis & Co for almost a year now, we are still so thrilled that Richard continues to support us with his almost limitless industry knowledge. I say almost – as recently he looked at the word ‘limitless’ and commented- ‘that’s a bit worrying!’ His modesty still knows no...Read More
Vertu Motors Plc, the automotive retailer with a network of 123 sales and aftersales outlets across the UK, today announced the appointment of Andy Goss as Non-Executive Chairman, with effect from 25 July 2019. Andy, who is currently a Non-Executive Director and has been on the Board since 3 September 2018 has been appointed following...Read More
Oscar Wilde once said; “With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone.” And how relevant this is, so many years on… It doesn’t seem such a surprise now that younger people are advancing in their careers so quickly. Yet the barrier of which can, arguably, be ‘lack of experience.’ This is something quite consistently...Read More
According to the second annual Making Diversity and Inclusion a Business Reality White Paper, published today, diversity and inclusion (D&I) is climbing the agenda for the majority of businesses, but there remain too few people from diverse backgrounds in leadership roles. The White Paper, produced in partnership by Auto Trader and executive search specialists, Ennis & Co.,...Read More
Investigating the complex topic of success these days means reflecting as much on our past to understand how we got here as finding our way forward. Times are a’changing at break-neck speed . We’re faced with the evolution of social norms beyond our control – yet how does this relate to how we judge success?...Read More
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