Ennis & Co are delighted to announce that Paul Shoesmith, former Brand Director of Auto Trader and Publishing Director of Haymarket’s PistonHeads, has joined as a new Associate of the business, as of 30th July 2020. Paul has worked in the digital automotive marketplace for 21 years, having initially been headhunted as the first senior...Read More
As we swiftly approach a brand new month, we’re taking a look back on a very eventful end to July within the automotive industry. It hasn’t been without its trials, of course, yet there has been a resurgence of positive news to choose from and, as always on a Friday, we have collated it all...Read More
As the industry continues to advance towards a “new normal”, with government guidelines continuing to relax post-lockdown (particularly in the UK) it has been an interesting week when it comes to new advancements. This week’s news update therefore covers the following topics: · New appointments in the industry· Automotive news · Key...Read More
WW2 veteran ‘Bunny’ Ennis launches fundraiser with support of the Ennis & Co team for The Not Forgotten in celebration of its centenary year.The fundraiser will run from the 3rd – 9th August 2020.To donate and find out more about the charity visit: https://thenotforgotten.org/ The Not Forgotten combats the causes of isolation & loneliness for...Read More
Ennis & Co are delighted to announce the appointment of Human Resources and Global financial services professionals as new Associates of the business, who have joined as of July 2020. Hazel Martin, former Director of Human Resources for Aston Martin, and Lorna Brown, former regional Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) in global financial services, bring to...Read More
As the automotive industry continues to recover, Ennis & Co have looked to the latest media insights to bring you a selection of the top stories from the past week. This week’s update covers the following topics: · New appointments in the industry· Automotive news· Covid-19 recovery · Key trends...Read More
Now, we have all made our appreciation known for our incredible key workers, carers, NHS professionals and front-line workers who are doing everything in their power to help get us through this pandemic. Yet I think it’s time we also shine a light on our unsung heroes… the amazing HR individuals we have in our...Read More
It has been another turbulent week for the industry, yet a number of positive announcements have paved the way for an interesting selection of updates. This week’s news update from Ennis & Co covers the following topics:· New appointments in the industry· Automotive news· Automotive trends · “Ones to Watch”:...Read More
Even before we were faced with a global pandemic… our industry had been gearing up to transformation for a long time. Organisational changes will of course see different patterns emerging following COVID-19, yet it completely confirms that preparation is key, and people are of paramount importance. Ensuring your employees are looked after during all stages...Read More
The automotive industry has seen a great deal of changes and week by week, Ennis & Co aim to provide a snapshot of topical news and information within the sector, by collating media sources from UK and international press. This week’s update covers the following topics: · New appointments in the industry· Sales trends...Read More
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